Mewn newyn mawr a syched tyn

(Salm CVII. adn.5,6,7.)
Mewn newyn mawr a syched tyn,
  A'u henaid yn llewygu;
Oll i anobaith yn mron myn'd,
  Heb ganthynt ffrynd i'w helpu.

Yn yfed dyfroedd llwyd o'r llyn,
  Yn ngwresog ddyffryn Bacca;
Yn gorfod yfed, nid o'u bodd,
  O chwerwon ddyfroedd Mara.

Gwaedasant ar yr Arglwydd nef,
  Yn eu cyfyngder enbyd;
Am gael eu dwyn cyn dyddiau hir,
  I mewn i dir 'r addewid.

Yna eu gwared hwynt a wnaeth,
  O'u holl orthrym-gaeth foddion;
'Rhyd yr iawn ffordd
    fe'u dyg mewn hedd,
  I dref gyfannedd dirion.

Gostegodd d'ranau Sinai draw,
  Yr ysbryd, braw, a'r ofnau;
Daeth â hwy i Sion deg i fyw,
  At Iesu gwiw a'i glwyfau.

Iorddonen wyllt fe drodd yn ol,
  Gwynai'i gro fel
      doldir Canaan;
Nes daeth pob gwan, a llesg, a llaith,
  Trwy'r dyfroedd maith eu hunain.

Eu poen a'u gwae yn felus trodd,
  Oedd megis dyfroedd Mara;
'Nawr bwytta maent foreu a nawn,
  O sypiau'r grawn a'r manna.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  Clodforwch bawb ein Harglwydd Dduw
  Pan ballo ffafor pawb a'i hedd
  Rhaid imi gael pob gras pob dawn
  Sancteiddrwydd im' yw'r Oen di-nàm
  Y rhai a gasglodd Duw ynghyd

(Psalm 117:5-7)
In great hunger and tight thirst,
  With their soul fainting;
All to hopelessness about to go,
  Without a friend to help them.

Drinking the grey waters from the lake,
  In the heat of the vale of Bacca;
Having to drink, not voluntarily,
  Of the bitter waters of Mara.

The called upon the Lord of heaven,
  In their desperate strait;
To be brought before long days,
  Into the land of the promise.

Then deliver them he did,
  From all their captive oppressions;
Along the right way
    he brought them in peace,
  To the settled town of lands.

The thunders of yonder Sinai he subdued,
  The spirit, terror, and the fears;
He brought them to fair Zion to live,
  To worthy Jesus and his wounds.

Wild Jordan he turned back,
  He would make its gravel like
      the meadowland of Canaan;
Until every weak, feeble and delicate one,
  Came through the vast waters themselves.

Their pain and their woe he turned sweet,
  That were like the waters of Mara;
Now eating they are morning and afternoon,
  From the grape-clusters and the manna.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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